Some of this technology will come from the Bubblegum Crisis, which I know many of you are seriously into. I will have the rail guns and the cycles and stuff from there, although some of that isn't really all that high-tech. What I will do is utilize the concept of the teams Form-Fitting-Body-Armor, and modify it into a variety of suits that can be adapted or designed to the runners needs (at an expensive price no doubt) <----No doubt!!--->
I've been looking at other Shadowrun sights and have come across many ideas and interesting aspects of the game that hadn't even occured to me, so look forward to many new ideas and technology here first.
Until I get going, remember me at
Also, be sure to stay up to date with the other pages, which I have been working on a lot lately.
Power/Enhanced Armor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Armor Accessories
Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vehicle Accessories
Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weapons Accessories
Cyberware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bioware
Honda V11 Trike 750
Honda's versatility in motorcycles and street vehicles has made them a leading edge company in the newest form of street transportation, that being the Honda V11 Trike 750. It is a fully enclosed vehicle with three wheels. The V11 is strictly a street model vehicle, but the V15 variant is designed for off-road use, and popular with border patrols and corporate security. Unlike many motorcycles, the trike can accept many more nonstandard accessories that are normally restricted to cars and trucks. Limited to one passenger, and non-troll beings, although Honda is planning to make a model suitable for trolls, similar to the Viking.
Hand Body Armor Speed Sig Auto 3/4 2 2 60/180 3 2 Seating Fuel Economy Capacity Storage 1 Multi 50 km 4 Liters 2 CF
NOTE: The V15 Speed is 30/90. Signature is 1. Handling is 4/3.
The Trike comes standard with integrated controls. The Honda V11R comes equipped with Rigger Gear already integrated into the framework, at a higher cost. Storage is limited to behind the seat. External hard cases can be purchased from Honda, adding 1 CF per box, maximum 2. Hard cases cost 500 nuyen each.
Honda V11 750: . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 nuyen
Honda V11R 750: . . . . . . . . . . 23,000 nuyen
Honda V15 750 . . . . . . . . . . . .15,000 nuyen
NISSAN Pick-Up 4X4 BackStreet
Nissan has been a premere vehicle production company for nearly a hundred years. In 2045 Nissan released the Sport Utility vehicle Backstreet. It is a superior off-road vehicle and has won many Baja tournements in the last several years. It hasn't found much popularity within the sprawl, except for the "redneck" population. It is a superior work vehicle for use in cargo moving. The four wheel drive assists in inclimate weather and off-road driving. The BackStreet sold well in the NAN and the CAS, still leading the market in overall sales in vehicles of it's class.
Hand Body Armor Speed Sig Auto 4/3 2 1 60/150 5 2 Seating Fuel Economy Capacity Storage 2 Multi 30 km 15 Liters 2 CF (15 CF Rear)
Options: The Nissan trucks can be ordered with additional extras, such as King Cab, (+3,000 Nuyen), which adds addition +4 CF to up front storage (+800 Nuyen). The Nissan Trucks can mount any standard accessory.
As with all vehicle models there are several models available. The base cost for the Nissan 4X4 is 18,000 Nuyen.
<-----BillyRayJoeBobMan 2300 01/03/52....."Wass a redneck?? ----->
<-----IronFist 2305 01/04/52....."It's someone that's got a whole bunch of first names piled together." ----->
<-----BillyRayJoeBobMan 2307 01/04/52....."That's good. For a second I thought he was talk'en about me."->
Mercedes Economy Plus V22500
Mercedes released a new small vehicle, economy car into the market. It is a sporty vehicle designed to appeal to the "upper class" yet be affordable to all. It is a two seat vehicle, comparable to the Westwood 2000 in many ways, yet half the cost. Unlike many sports cars, the Mercedes comes standard with a Level 8 Anti-Theft System, integrated into the passenger and driver doors. Mercedes has been quite successful with the V22500 Model, and will probably continue expanding into the middle class markets.
Hand Body Armor Speed Sig Auto Cost 4/5 1 0 90/200 8 2 40,000 Seating Fuel Economy Capacity Storage 2 Elect 60 km 20 IP 2 CF (Rear)
The V22500 come equipped with GridLink as well. The V23000(Turbo) Model is available for an additional 10,000 Nuyen. Speed +30 and Handling is 4/4. All Mercedes Models are guaranteed for two years "Repair Free", as long as the problem with the vehicle is mechanically related.
<-----Venture 05/15/53 0304 ..... "A poor man's Mercedes? From what I hear it's a pretty good ride."
<------PinkLace 05/19/ 0405 ..... "Poor man? You guys call 40,000 Nuyen cheap? Hook me up with your fixer...I beg you."----->
Phoenix-5 Quadrunner
This vehicle is popular with hikers and guides throughout the NAN and other places where there are still trails, paths, and other non-vehicle places. The indians have found much use for this vehicle, especially for conservation work. The electric model of the Phoenix-5 is virtually "environmentally" friendly. Although this vehicle hasn't taken off with the "runner" community, or even in any major is still a best seller to the upper classes, who enjoy them as recreation. It is likely that you've spotted the Quadrunners during special events in Seattle, being used by Lone Star for crowd control. It also isn't uncommon to see these being used by delivery drivers/messengers during peak traffic hours. They can easily traverse traffic, steps, sidewalks, and even pedestrians if the need arise.