Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Luke 12:27

Yeshua is telling us the the L-RD works through all things to accomplish His Grace Design.

For Who Made you to differ from another? and what have you that you did not Receive? now if you did Receive it, why do you glory as if you did not Receive it? I Corinthians 4:7

When the Apostle Paul says, "For Who has Made you to differ from another?", he is not saying, "you are no different, no special case" as we hear every day from Humanists, or Christian Humanists who twist this verse. He is saying His Elect ARE INDEED SPECIAL and G-d has Made us that way, not ourselves! The answer to Pauls' question then is: "G-d Alone has Made us to differ from others!"

And indeed He Has!

In those days, and in that time, Saith the L-RD, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I Will Pardon them whom I Reserve. Jeremiah 50:20


Grace is defined as G-d's Unmerited Favour.

Once again, you cannot "earn" it, you do not "deserve" it, and you cannot "work" for it, humanly. This is very difficult for some people to understand. These are the ones that twist Yakov (James) 2:26 snd interpret it as their own works Saving them or "keeping them Saved".

Because it is not Given to false teachers to understand True Grace, nor how it really Works, they also likewise try to force the other Scriptures to agree with adding human works to Grace. Thus they stumble in darkness at they know not what.

When True Grace is preached, those who do not understamd it always think that it means "lawlessness" or a "license to sin". This is because they never understood True Grace and were counting on their own human works to Save them. They "logically" attempt to make what is true in "the world" (human works) also applicable in the Divine Realm. It is false.

The more vigorous their opposition to True Grace by presenting any form of "human works-righteousness", attempting to justify themselves, the more they only identify themselves as unsaved! The unsaved then follow this type teaching and rail against True Grace along with their "teachers".




I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your camps to come up unto your nostrils: yet have ye not returned unto Me, Saith the L-RD. Amos 4:10

Who were the "Pharisees" in Yeshuas' (Jesus') time? As Josephus records, the Pharisees believed in "Salvation by Faith plus works". Yeshua pronounced woes against them! The Essenes were also there at that time, but believed very strongly in Election and Predestination (which some erroneously call "Calvinism").

Yeshua undoubtedly knew of the Essenes' existence, but never pronounced any woe against them for their foundational beliefs of Election and Predestination.


Teachers of "Conditional Salvation" make Eternal Salvation incumbent upon some "work" or "series of works" that man must do, or continue to do, to "be Saved" and to "stay Saved". They do not believe in Election (Choosing) by G-d "from before the foundation od the world" as taught clearly in Ephesians 1:4-11, Romans 9, Philippians 2:13, John 1:13 and many other passages.

They teach that it is possible for an Elect person once Saved to "lose their Salvation" and go to hell.


The "teachers" of "Conditional Salvation" usually neglect to inform their "students" that Martin Luther was alive at the time of John Calvin, read Calvins' Institutes of the Christian Religion, and gave his full approval to both Predestination and Election as Calvin taught it!

Luther, Calvin, the Pilgrims who came to America and all the Reformers drew from Augustine as a primary source. It was Augustine in the 5th Century A.D. who had the agreement of the entire Christian Church who all agreed on these very same things.

The main point the Reformers disagreed upon was the Nature of the Communion. Luther and Zwingli disagreed.

They are not taught that Calvin found the "middle ground" concerning the Presence of Christ in the Communion, had their agreement, and Calvins' view is the accepted Protestant teaching used to this day in the Communion in all Protestant Churches.

The Reformers were opposed by the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church taught "Conditional Salvation", and rejected the true Doctrines of Grace which the Reformers preached found HERE.

The Roman Church continues to teach "Conditional Salvation" to this very day.


What is Grace? Grace is defined as G-ds' Unmerited Favour. We cannot earn, deserve, or work for it. He Gives Grace as a Gift According to His Sovereign Will. G-d Gives the Gift of Salvation and every Good Thing in the Believers' life by Acting through the Agency of Grace, His Prerogative.

All this means is that you don't "work" for Grace, but G-d Gives it to you because He Wills it so. He Is Sovereign.

Works, on the other hand, say that unregenerate or carnal man must "work" or "will" on his own in some way, for everything that G-d does for him "spititually", including Salvation. They remain trapped inside their own "human works righteousness system" which they then teach to others. That person has to perform or "will" something "on his own" to "deserve" it. This goes for Salvation for some and also Sanctification for others. Also some teach that G-ds' Righteousness can be attained by "human merit", "work" or ability. That some "human work" can be performed by man, allowing him access to G-ds' Divine Grace. This makes Salvation conditional upon something man must perform to "be saved" or to "stay saved", as if all these things were not Given, but had to be "earned".


Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in My Nose, a fire that burneth all the day. Isaiah 65:5

These two Positions are antithetical. They are opposites. Backwards. What does the New Testament say about Grace, and what are some examples?

The Grace of G-d Gives Divine Faith that "works by Love" (Divine Love, not "human love"), and through the Filling of G-d the Holy Spirit. It Manifests Itself in the Gifts that G-d Gives and the outflowing of the Virtues. Faith, Hope and Charity (Divine Love), Goodness, Gentleness, Kindness and the rest. The Greatest of these is Love (Divine Love). His Divine Imputation of Righteousness is also Given by Grace. At the Point of Salvation, Righteousness is Imputed to us because of our Divine Faith that we have Received. Grace is G-d Working In us and Through us.

For it is G-d which Works in you, both to Will, and to Do of [His] Good Pleasure. Philippians 2:13

G-d also Sanctifies us by Means of His Spirit of Grace through Divine Faith, and Forgiveness in conjunction with I John 1:9.

On the contrary, there is no human work whatsoever that can produce G-ds' Righteousness, or bring G-ds' Favour, either before, or after Salvation.

To maintain otherwise introduces Humanistic elements as a factor in what they call "grace".

Man wants G-d to act just like he does, and to have a "logical" system as he has learned in "the world". Man wants to break "spirituality" down to "I do this I get that". But G-d does not Act toward those who Believe (the Elect) in Divine Matters the same way He does toward others. Since True Salvific Grace has not been Given to the unsaved they must devise a "human works system" whereby they can clain they are Saved. They enter the Churches and say they are "saved" and teach false doctrine disguised as "christians" but remain unregenerate.

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we do all fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Isaiah 64:6.

What sort of "human merit" do we find here? None. No system of human works-righteousness can bring Grace, but the Gift of Divine Faith is Given by G-d in His Spirit of Grace.

For by Grace are you Saved, by means of Faith, and this (Faith) not of yourselves [1], it is the Gift of G-D, not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9.

We see that Divine Faith Itself is a Gift. Unregenerate man has "human faith" that is related, but Fallen; given in Common Grace. Believing that in America twenty-five cents is a quarter, for example, would be a type of "human faith" or belief. Or believing from a map of the world or a film that Antarctica exists (when someone has not been there). We are not speaking of that kind of "faith", but Divine Faith Given by G-d; which is not carnal or Fallen. All Believers receive It by Grace, the unregenerate only possesses "human faith".

False teachers cause the flock to stumble by teaching that some autonomous human effort brings Salvation. They also teach that human effort somehow improves right-standing with G-d, or can produce the Grace of G-d, when it has not been Given. They would seek to humanly understand "wisdom" for example, neglecting the "Spirit of Wisdom" Derived from the Spirit of Grace as a Gift.

There is no human work after Salvation that improves ones' standing with G-d. Take the example of circumcision of the flesh with regard to Gentiles in Yeshua, who stand by Faith Alone. We know that if there would have been a Law that was perfect, it would have been the Mosaic Law. It was Given by G-d and so the best.

Then why can't the Gentiles be circumcised after Salvation since it was the best Law that has ever been Given? Let the "workers for fleshly perfection" ask themselves that!

For in Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but Faith that Worketh by Love. You did run well, who did hinder you that you should not obey the Truth? This persuasion cometh not of Him that Calleth you. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. I have confidence in you through the L-RD, that you will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his Judgment, whosoever he be. Galatians 5:6-10

So let them ponder attempting to become "improved" by circumcision? They Fall from Grace! Others may say, "we don't do the Law", but they make up other things which they substitute for the Law instead! All this is Legalism on their part.

Circumcision was was given to the physical male progeny (sons) of Abraham alone, as a sign. The only persons authorized to be circumcised after Salvation if not previously circumcised, are Jews (ones born of a Jewish mother), to keep that sign.

And he (Abraham) received the sign, a seal of righteousness of the Faith which he had before he was circumcised: that he might be the father of all them that Believe, though they be not circumcised; that Righteousness (by their Faith alone) would be imputed to them also... Romans 4:11

The Apostle Paul warned that no man has Authority from G-D to in any way alter The New Covenant made with the Gentiles by Grace through Faith Alone. If they say that they do possess this right, these "Judaizers", frankly, are being less-than-truthful.

This persuasion cometh not of Him Who Calleth you. Galatians 5:8.

G-d Administers His Gifts by Means of His Grace, but false teachers entangle individuals and congregations in the works of the Law, and the works of human righteousness, teaching persons can "earn Grace", thereby shutting out Grace.

Stand fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Moshiach (Christ) has Made us Free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 [2]

No human system of righteousness, be it never so admired in the eyes of man, can compare to, or be substituted for, the Grace of G-d in any way, ever; nor can our Position In Yeshua by Faith Alone be "improved" or "made better" whatsoever by any human endeavour. To "justify" in the New Testament also has the meaning "to be made better" or to "improve". The Apostle Paul states clearly that this cannot be accomplished by any human work, even circumcision. All justification In G-ds' Sight is by Means of His Grace, Through Faith Alone.

Knowing that a man is not justified (made spiritually better) by the works of the Law, [3] but by the Faith of Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), even we have Believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the Faith of Christ, and not by the works of the Law: for by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified. Galatians 2:16


False teachers, unregenerate "religious" individuals and those who believe false doctrine have not been Given to comprehend the Way that G-d Works, nor can they correctly teach the Grace of G-d. Sometimes, even "well-meaning religious leaders" have not Recieved G-ds' Grace personally themselves (no matter how much "Scripture" they can recite or "Biblical or linguistic knowledge" they may possess), and for this reason, are not able to teach Grace because they are unable to comprehend what they have not Received in the first place, in that they are unregenerate, or have an incorrect understanding. Always guage proper teaching and understanding of G-ds' Grace.

We are Commanded to separate from all those who teach or promote that -any- human work brings G-ds' Favour. Only G-ds' Grace that Works In us by Faith Alone brings G-ds' Favour to His People. It is His Grace System, not any mans' or organizations' substitutionary works-righteousness system.


For it is G-d that Worketh In you, both to Will and to Do of [His] Good Pleasure. Philippians 2:13


Because Grace is not "earned" or "worked for" let us take the example on Jewish male circumcison to demonstrate this fact.

We know from Acts 15 for example, that certain of the Saved Pharisees proposed circumcising Gentiles for their Salvation. They simply told Gentiles, "If you aren't circumcised according to Moses' Law, you are not Saved."

Anyone that permits, authorizes or condones circumcision in the flesh for Gentiles after Salvation causes them to "fall from Grace".


Because Grace does not depend on any act of the human will, or the works of man. The Apostle Paul refers to Moses' Law as "Holy, Just and Good", and yet man cannot be Justified by it either! It is by Grace Alone, through Divine Faith Alone. Man loves to boast in his flesh. G-D permits no boasting in His Presence. If man somehow could "will" or "work" for his own Salvation he would have some room to boast. See what Paul says using the example of Jewish circumcision:

Behold I Paul say to you, that if you be circumcised, Yeshua (Christ) shall profit you nothing. For I testify to every man being circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole Law. You are deprived of all effect from Yeshua (Christ), whosoever in Law are being justified [4]; you fall from Grace. Galatians 5:2,3

Those that have Trusted in the Redeeming Sacrifice of Yeshua, Jew and Gentile alike, Stand by Faith Alone, and are Led by the Holy Spirit of G-D in The New Covenant, staying free and clear of all sin, being Forgiven and Washed.

But we are bound to give thanks always to G-D for you, brethren Beloved of the L-RD, because G-d has from the Beginning Chosen you to Salvation through Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth. II Thessalonians 2:13

Elect According to the Foreknowledge of G-D the Father, Through Sanctification of the Spirit, Unto Obedience and Sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus Christ: Grace Unto you, and Peace Be Multiplied. I Peter 1:2

All that oppose Grace, falsely teaching human endeavour, "have indeed a show" but are merely involved in "will-worship".

Which things have indeed a show of wisdom in will-worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body, not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh. Colossians 2:23

Whoever denies Election and Predestination will always fall into some sort of LEGALISM to "keep themselves Saved". That's why they might be such "busy little beavers", working to "stay Saved". What a travesty.

Legalists are always those that deny G-ds' Grace in Election and Predestination. It is always something of "theirs" to do these things.

They then may fall for such things as The False Love Gospel in their confusion.

Happily, those that put their Trust totally In the L-RD and His Grace Provision for Salvation and Sanctification and Justification are Blessed by G-D. Righteousness has been Imputed to us as a Gift because of G-Ds' Grace through Faith Alone in Yeshua.

Fear not, little flock, for it Is The Fathers' Good Pleasure to Give you The Kingdom. Luke 12:32


Go Here for HIS KINGDOM!

Perhaps you are one of those "well-meaning religious leaders" that happened onto this page. Or perhaps you have been sitting under the ministry of someone who does not comprehend G-ds' Grace. Or perhaps you now realize that you are unregenerate and Need G-ds' Saving Grace. It is no coincidence that you are here, now. You should understand that the L-RD wants you to Understand His Grace, and be Blessed by It. First, you need Salvation by Grace Alone. Here is the GOSPEL which you may have never correctly heard before. Go to the page and get Saved first, and May G-D Bless YOU! B"H"


© Copyright 2000-2005 People of G-d Ministries, Inc. No reproduction or redistribution without the prior Written Consent and Approval of People of G-d.


[1] This verse distinguishes between Common and Special Grace. Common Grace is given to all men (Matthew 5:45). Special Grace is, when G-d Wills it, Given to His Elect. All men possess human faith because of Common Grace. That faith, however, is unregenerate, Fallen. Divine Faith is not Fallen, but is a Gift Given by G-d in order for us to Believe.

[2] Believing that any human works-righteousness system, even the works of the Torah can "earn Divine Grace" or "earn G-Ds' Favour", is to believe false teaching. No person and no human works-righteousness system can "produce G-Ds' Special Grace". There is no Cleansing of the Conscience apart from the Gift of Divine Faith in Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus The Christ). No human work, even a work of the Torah, can ever Perfect our Conscience. This is Solely a Work of G-Ds' Grace and not "earned".

[3] The Torah (The Law of Moses): Even though the Torah contains good Laws, in the flesh (our own human efforts) we cannot improve on G-Ds' Common Grace. False teachers will instruct you that this is somehow humanly possible through human effort. This is based on the Humanistic Socratic Ideal where Common Grace is used in an attempt to make Fallen man Autonomous.

[4] As stated previously, to be "justified" also means to be "improved" or "made better". No Gentile is either "improved" or "made better" by circumcision of the flesh after Salvation. Just the opposite. Can the works of the Law be performed in Grace? To a certain extent, yes. But the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) draws the line at the circumcision of Gentiles. There is no Grace "earned" by any Brit Milah (ritual circumcision) there. It is a clear demonstration of "human works" and not permitted, as he is caused to "fall from Grace".

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