The Class A Truckstop Chapel


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The Class A Truckstop Chapel

If you want to get saved, but not sure how, click here.
The difference between Religion and Salvation, click here.
Click here for Weather links, ect.
Click here for 'A Love Letter from Jesus'.
Click here for 'Trucking with the Holy Spirit'.
Click here for 'The Baptism in the Holy Spirit'.
Click here for 'The Names of Jesus'.
Click here for 'When there is Trouble in your Life'.
Click here for 'The Master's Credit Card'.
Click here for 'Footprints in the Sand'.
Click here for some inspiring stories.
Click here for more inspiring stories.
For the spiritual growth page, click here.
Click here to read a Christian Trucker poem.
Click here for 'Never Alone' poem.
Click here to view 'The Ten Commandments'.
 Click here for our Christian links.
 Click here to read about the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Click here to view the webmaster's personal page.
Click here to view the webmaster's
personal salvation through Christ our Lord.
Click here for our Christian awards page.
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