'The Class A Truckstop Chapel'

A Trucker Poem, A Trucker's Prayer and
'A Trucker Testimonial'

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 "What do you do for Christ each day?"
 A faithful Christian said.
And I replied, "I drive a truck
 And fill the stores with bread."

He said, "I know of your bread route
But that is not the thing.
I mean what do you do each day
 For Jesus Christ the King?"

I said, "But I believe a man
Can work in such a way,
That selling bread is work for Christ -
A sacrament each day."

Once more the man inquired, "But, sir,
If this is not unfair,
What do you do for Christ each day,
Like witnessing and prayer?"

I said, "Work is my best witness,
And selling bread to them
Is like a prayer in Jesus' name.
I drive this truck for Him!

 by Perry Tanksley

"Trucker's Prayer"

Before I step into my truck, Let me open your door.
 Then bless me, Lord, and we'll be on our way.
     If I should meet with misfortune along the highway,
  steer me through my times of trouble.
       Be the first driver and map our way.
   Guide me through the fog into the next day.
  Be that light that shines at the top of the hill; and help me get there
    without any pills, but by way of God's will.
 Let my eyes foresee the dangers and I'll lend a helping hand.
  Touch me to lift my spirits I pray in Jesus' name.
  Direct me on the right roads and keep me between the lines until we get where we are going.
Don't leave me behind!.
 by  Nancy Kay Flippin

'A Trucker Testimonial'

 I'm at a trucking dock in Calgary waiting to unload my cargo. It comes
 over the air that We are facing a severe storm with snow squalls and
 winds blowing up to 100 KM (60 mph) an hour.
 I'm thinking to myself; "Oh no! Don't let me get snowed in. God help
 me, I've got to get back to my family in Toronto." Finally I am notified to
 back my rig up to the loading dock. While being unloaded the snow
 comes down hard while the wind is picking up.
   With my load off; I now have to face the disaster ahead of me and I
 have to get home. For what would it be like if I can't be with my
 beautiful wife and four lovely children for Christmas?
   I would like to pull out and head back now, but I have to wait another
 day to pick up a load heading for Toronto. Holding the night out in my
 rig I wake up to find nearly 30 cm. (1 Ft.) of snow on the ground and
 still coming down. I would like to pull out now but I have to wait another
 3 hours for my load..
   Now 10 AM I am able to pick up my load but with such a long way to
 go I need to get something to eat. The snow is still coming down hard
 and the wind blowing strong with a temperature at -10 C (14 F), I can
 barely see ahead of me and am forced to park my rig on the side of
 the road and wait out the storm.
   Time passes by and to calm my family down, I go to call home; only to
 find out in that part of town the phones are not working. I am stuck on
 the side of the road with my rig miles from home and its to nasty to
 walk anywhere, all I can do is hold out for another day. How terrible it is
 not to at least be in contact with the family. With Christmas less than
 100 hrs. away I am so disappointed and worried about my making it
 home on time for that special day with my family.
   Another day passes by; the snow now stopped, the wind has ceased
 and the plows and pay loaders are working full force. I put my rig in
 gear heading out of town. On my way I keep a watchful eye out for a
 fueling station to fill up before the long haul. On the outskirts of town I
 came across a truck stop; filled my rig and bought a bunch of stuff to
 eat on the way. While at the truck stop I called my family, only to have
 the line keep ringing busy.
   With less than 48 hrs. till Christmas morning; I pray to the good Lord
 to protect me and help me arrive safely at my destination and to get
 me there on time.
   While driving down the road I came across a man hitch-hiking. I
 stopped and picked him up. He said his name was Jeff. I soon found
 out this man was a truck driver and he had just delivered some road
 tractors to a company in town. He told me he had family in Toronto and
 wanted to be there Christmas day. I couldn't believe he said that; now
 with two truckers in the cab we can pretty well drive non-stop to
 Toronto. I asked the Lord to show me if he was trustworthy.
   After driving a few hours with Jeff I felt peace about him, so I asked
 him if he would like to drive while I took a nap. He agreed. When I
 awoke, I found he had changed the radio station to a Christian station.
 I heard the announcer say; "I have a request for you truckers out there
 on the road." Then the following words came over the air:

      As I'm climbing into my rig,
      getting ready to haul a mighty big load,
      I feel something enter in like a mighty wind,
      knowing it must be from the father above.

      As I am sitting in my rig,
      I've got this comfortable feeling,
      thinking I've got angels all around me,
      Oh what a nice gift from the Father above.

      As I'm driving down the highway,
      with thirty wheels a rolling,
      I've got angels all around me,
      There on my dash, my seat, even on my bed.

      As I am sitting their staring straight ahead,
      I sing praises unto the Lord my God,
      not even thinking about my freight,
      or if I am going to be early or late.

      Then when I arrived at the place,
      I shouted; "Thank you Lord for being with me,
      Thank you Lord for watching over me,
      for sending your angels to be all around me.

   As I crawl out from behind the curtain that hides my bed, I say within
 myself "Thank you Lord for that reminder." I then say hello to Jeff and
 asked him how he was doing; Fine is what he replied. I asked him if he
 wanted me to take over, he again replied and said it was ok. I let him
 drive for the next few hours while I closed my eyes and rested while
 doing some chatting. After about 6 hrs. into our trip we stopped at a
 truck stop and refueled. We also had a bite to eat, then we were on our
 way again. This time I was at the wheel while he took a nap. At about
 another 6 hours into the ride with the sun setting down below the
 horizon, we came across a sign that read; "Winnipeg 80 KM (48
 miles) ahead. As we were pulling into town, we stopped at a service
 center for trucks. I again refueled my rig and got a quick bite to eat.
   I would have liked to have stayed longer but with Christmas morning
 only a day and a half away and Toronto being another 2200 KM. (1320
 miles) away we had to keep moving to be there for our families. Jeff
 took over the wheel for a few hours and I took another snooze then we
 pulled the rig over and switched seats. Still in a hurry to get home we
 were going as fast as we could without getting caught by the law.
 At about 6 hrs. into the ride I mentioned to Jeff I was getting hungry and
 asked him if he wanted to stop at the next stop; again he agreed to my
 plan. That is when we noticed a road sign saying; "Thunder Bay 50
 KM. (30 mile) ahead. We were happy to see that sign as both of us
 were nearly starving, since we last ate was about 8 hrs. ago.
   We are now 24 hours away from Christmas morning and still
 desperate to get home on time. We ate like never ate before, eating
 eggs, sausage, bacon and hash browns with some coffee. I fueled up
 the rig again ready to roll when the service light came on saying the air
 brakes no longer work. I was very upset over this, another delay to stop
 me from getting home on time.
   I went into the station to see if they had any parts to fix my brakes.
 They said; "no, we will have to have a service vehicle come to your
 assistance." They called a number to get someone to come right
 away. Now all we can do is sit and wait for the truck to get here. Nearly
 an hour passed by before they got there. Not knowing what the
 problem was, they took a look at it. He thought he would we able to fix
 it but the person who had the truck last didn't replace all that was taken
 out. That's when he told me they would have to go back and get all the
   Well you know what that is like; nearly an hour there and another hour
 back. It was now lunchtime when they got back. We had another bite to
 eat while waiting for them to fix the problem. It was 1:30 by the time we
 were able to get on the road again.   As we were rolling down the
 highway we came across a bad storm outside of Thunder Bay. We hit
 a spot of ice and the back of the trailer swung to the left. To try to keep
 it from jack-knifing I turned the wheels hoping to keep the tractor in line
 with the trailer. That caused us to go off the road onto the grass
 between the road and the farmers field. I got out and checked the load,
 I couldn't believe nothing moved from its place. Now only God is able
 to make that happen. We waited for an hour for a tow truck to help us
 out. Then it hit me, thinking of that song that was played earlier on the
 radio. Thanking God that we never had anything worse happen than
 already has.
   It was about 4 PM before we got the truck out of the ditch, with
 another 550 KM (330 miles) left in our travel. As I am driving we sit
 there chatting with each other hoping not to worry about being home
 for Christmas. Then all of a sudden I had a tire blow on my trailer. I
 said; "That's all we need again is a blown tire." With about 300 KM
 (180 miles) to go and now only 14 hrs. away from Christmas morning it
 seems we are headed for a late arrival. We sit there again waiting for
 service; it is now 7 PM and still waiting.
   We sit there in the rig letting it idle so we could keep warm while
 listening to the Christian radio station. Then I heard it aired again that
 song that I previously heard about the angels watching over the driver.
 We sat there nearly 2 hrs. waiting for a service truck to help us. By the
 time they got the tire fixed and we're ready to roll again it was 10 PM. I
 thanked the men and bid them a happy holiday as we prepared to
 drive off.
   As we get closer to the big city of Toronto I am sure we where going
 to get there this time. Come to find out that Toronto had a big snowfall
 too, so we had to take a detour due to the main highway being closed
 cause of a multi-vehicle accident. That cost us another hour in travel
 time. It was 3 AM when we arrived at the outskirts of town. I had yet to
 drive across town to drop Jeff off. I dropped him at his door and bid
 him farewell and said it was nice knowing him and that I enjoyed his
   Now I have to drive back home in the direction from whence I came.
 The time I arrived in the lane way of my home it was 6 AM Christmas
 morning. I stepped out of my rig and thanked God for getting me home
 safely and before the children awoke. I stepped in the door only to find
 them sneaking down the stairs to find out what was under the tree.
 When I shut the door they heard me and scooted back up the stairway
 to their room, except the youngest one of course who is only 4. He ran
 up to me and threw his arms around me saying; "Daddy your home."
   Yes it was a relieve that I did make it home for Christmas despite all
 the problems we had on the way, and I can only thank God for the safe
 arrival and being home in time for Christmas..

by: Wesley Summerfield

The Class A Truckstop Chapel

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The difference between Religion and Salvation, click here.
Click here for Weather links, ect.
Click here for 'A Love Letter from Jesus'.
Click here for 'Trucking with the Holy Spirit'.
Click here for 'The Baptism in the Holy Spirit'.
Click here for 'The Names of Jesus'.
Click here for 'When there is Trouble in your Life'.
Click here for 'Last Destination'
Click here for 'The Master's Credit Card'.
Click here for 'Footprints in the Sand'.
Click here for some inspiring stories.
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For the spiritual growth page, click here.
Click here to read a Christian Trucker poem.
Click here for 'Never Alone' poem.
Click here to view 'The Ten Commandments'.
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 Click here to read about the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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