The Class A Truckstop Chapel

More Inspiring Stories

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'Traffic Cop'

Try and see the following picture in your mind...

An 18 Wheeler is traveling at 45 miles per hour down a street. The driver fails to stop at three red lights and a Stop sign. Suddenly
 a traffic cop jumps into the road, holds up his white gloved hand, signaling the truck driver to stop. Now there is no way in the world
 that the cop can stop that truck - the truck weighs 40 tons, and that, together with the speed that it is traveling at, makes it a lethal,
 virtually unstoppable chunk of iron. Yet the cop is unafraid he simply stands there with his raised hand, fully expecting it to stop.

And, lo and behold, there is a hissing of air as the brakes are activated and the truck stops. Why? Not because of the physical built
of the cop. No it stops because the driver recognized the authority vested in that raised hand - the full power of the law. And the driver,
 fearing that power, stops.

We, as re-born Christians have an even greater Power behind us - that of the full Power of God, through His Spirit that dwells in us. We
 should be like that cop.  When we are confronted by temptation, we have that Power behind us and we should act just as unafraid as the cop.
 We should raise our hand, figuratively speaking, and command Satan to leave us alone. We have the Power of the Holy Spirit, and the blood
 of Jesus, and that gives us the 'right' to say NO. Satan is powerless when confronted by the blood of Jesus. Let us use our power to become
 stronger in the Spirit, to become more like Jesus.

Next time when Satan wants to lead you astray, be like the cop - command Him to leave you alone in the name of Jesus, who defeated him
 forever when he was
resurrected from the grave.



Jack took a long look at his speedometer before slowing down: 73 in a 55 zone. .. Fourth time in as many
months. How could a guy get caught so often? When his car had slowed to 10 miles an hour, Jack pulled over,
but only partially. Let the cop worry about the potential traffic hazard. Maybe some other car will tweak his
backside with a mirror. The cop was stepping out of his car, the big pad in hand. Bob? Bob from church? Jack
sunk farther into his trench coat. This was worse than the coming ticket. A Christian cop catching a guy from
his own church. A guy who happened to be a little eager to get home after a long day at the office. A guy he
was about to play golf with tomorrow. Jumping out of the car, he approached a man he saw every Sunday, a
man he'd never seen in uniform.

"Hi, Bob. Fancy meeting you like this."

"Hello, Jack." No smile.

"Guess you caught me red-handed in a rush to see my wife and kids."

"Yeah, I guess." Bob seemed uncertain. Good.

"I've seen some long days at the office lately. I'm afraid I bent the rules a bit just this once." Jack toed at a
pebble on the pavement. "Diane said something about roast beef and potatoes tonight. Know what I mean?"

"I know what you mean. I also know that you have a reputation in our precinct." Ouch. This was not going in the
right direction. Time to change tactics.

"What'd you clock me at?"

"Seventy-one. Would you sit back in your car, please?"

"Now wait a minute here, Bob. I checked as soon as I saw you. I was barely nudging 65." The lie seemed to come
easier with every ticket.

"Please, Jack, in the car."

Flustered, Jack hunched himself through the still-open door. Slamming it shut, he stared at the dashboard. He
was in no rush to open the window. The minutes ticked by. Bob scribbled away on the pad. Why hadn't he asked
for a driver's license? Whatever the reason, it would be a month of Sundays before Jack ever sat near this cop
again. A tap on the door jerked his head to the left. There was Bob, a folded paper in hand. Jack rolled down the
window a mere two inches, just enough room for Bob to pass him the slip.

"Thanks." Jack could not quite keep the sneer out of his voice.

Bob returned to his car without a word. Jack watched his retreat in the mirror. Jack unfolded the sheet of paper.
How much was this one going to cost? Wait a minute. What was this? Some kind of joke? Certainly not a ticket.
Jack began to read:

          "Dear Jack,
          Once upon a time I had a daughter. She was six when killed by a car. You
          guessed it - a speeding driver. A fine and three months in jail, and the
          man was free. Free to hug his daughters. All three of them. I only had
          one, and I'm going to have to wait until heaven before I can ever hug her again. A thousand
          times I've tried to forgive that man. A thousand times I
          thought I had. Maybe I did, but I need to do it again. Even now. Pray for
          me. And be careful. My son is all I have left.


Jack twisted around in time to see Bob's car pull away and head down the road. Jack watched until it
disappeared. A full 15 minutes later, he too, pulled away and drove slowly home, praying for forgiveness and
hugging a surprised wife and kids when he arrived.

Life is precious. Handle with care.

 - Author Unknown


'The Trial'

You are on trial. The devil is the prosecutor and God is the judge.

The devil reads of the list of sins that you committed that day. You cannot plead anything but 'Guilty'. At the end of the
 summation, God looks up the penalty for each sin and pronounces the sentence: 'Death'. Just as you are about to be escorted
out of the courtroom, a young man gets up and says 'Your Honor, I agree that this man should die but You seem to have forgotten
 one thing. Jesus died for this man and paid for his life with His blood'. God responds 'Case dismissed!'.
Yes, friend, that is what happens every day. Jesus pleads on our behalf and that is why we may die physically but will still have eternal life.



A little girl was ashamed to invited friends to their house as her mother's hands were badly disfigured and scarred. Despite her
 friends begging to come across to visit
her, the little girl always refused. While visiting a friend one day, the friend asked her for
 the reason and, for the first time, the little girl told her why. Later that evening, the friend told her mother who, in turn, told the little girl's mother.

She walked into the bedroom where the girl was sleeping and gently woke her up. She then told her the following story. A few weeks after
the little girl was born, a fire broke out in the house they were living in. Everyone scrambled for safety. As they were watching the house go
 up in flames, they heard a bab crying. The
woman realized that, in the confusion, they had forgotten the little girl. Without thinking twice,
 she broke the window of her daughter's room, ran through the smoke and picked up the baby. The fire had meanwhile spread and blocked
 off the window. The mother covered the little baby and herself with a blanket and ran through
the flames to safety. Except for the mother's
hand which were badly burnt as it was not covered by the blanket, both escaped without any real damage. 'You see' said the mother to her
 daughter, 'My hands were scarred and disfigured because I tried to save you. If I have to do it again, I would because you were, and are still,

very special to me'. The little girl burst into tears as she realized the pain she caused her mother and, from that day on, was proud to invited
 her friends home and
show them her mother's scars.

Friends, Jesus also carries the scars on His body where the nails were driven through His feet and hands. He carried His burden without
hesitation and would do it all over again if need be because we are all special to Him. He came to save us all and like the little girl, we should
 be proud to invite people to come and see the scars
of our Saviour and to tell the world what He has done for us.


'Trust God'

A man was swimming in the sea when a strong current swept him along. A surfer saw his predicament and offered to help.
 Being a re-born Christian the man replied that he trusted God to save him, and declined the offer. A little while later fisherman in
 a small boat came across the man and offered the help. Once again the man
declined, stating that he trusted God to save him.
About 30 minutes later a coast patrol helicopter spotted the man, who by now could not even see the beach anymore. They hovered
above the man and offered help. The man, being strong in his faith, declined. A few minutes later he drowned. When he got to heaven he

was very upset with God and asked Him why He did not save him. God replied: "I sent you a surfer, a small boat and a helicopter to help
 you. What more did you want me to do?"

How often do we not fall into the same trap. We are so blinded by what we are asking God to do, and by how we expect Him to do it, that
 we never see His hand in our circumstances. We often expect God to intervene in a way that will suit us. God, however, gives us what we
 need, not necessarily what we expect. We should trust Him that He knows best in each and every situation and should ask
 His Spirit to reveal this to us.


'The Christian Alphabet Poem'

A lthough things are not perfect
B ecause of trial or pain
C ontinue in thanksgiving
D o not begin to blame
E ven when the times are hard
F ierce winds are bound to blow
G od is forever able
H old on to what you know
I magine life without His love
J oy would cease to be
K eep thanking Him for all the things
L ove imparts to thee
M ove out of Camp Complaining
N o weapon that is known
O n earth can yield the power
P raise can do alone
Q uit looking at the future
R edeem the time at hand
S tart every day with worship
T o thank is a command
U ntil we see Him coming
V ictorious in the sky
W e'll run the race with gratitude
X alting God most high
Y es, there will be good times
and yes some will be bad,
Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever

The shortest distance between a problem
and a solution is the distance between
your knees and the floor.

The one who kneels to the Lord
can stand up to anything.

- Author Unknown

The Class A Truckstop Chapel

If you want to get saved, but not sure how, click here.
The difference between Religion and Salvation, click here.
Click here for Weather links, ect.
Click here for 'A Love Letter from Jesus'.
Click here for 'Trucking with the Holy Spirit'.
Click here for 'The Baptism in the Holy Spirit'.
Click here for 'The Names of Jesus'.
Click here for 'When there is Trouble in your Life'.
Click here for 'Last Destination'
Click here for 'The Master's Credit Card'.
Click here for 'Footprints in the Sand'.
Click here for some inspiring stories.
Click here for more inspiring stories.
For the spiritual growth page, click here.
Click here to read a Christian Trucker poem.
Click here for 'Never Alone' poem.
Click here to view 'The Ten Commandments'.
 Click here for our Christian links.
 Click here to read about the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Click here to view the webmaster's personal page.
Click here to view the webmaster's
personal salvation through Christ our Lord.
Click here for our Christian awards page.
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