I had always thought Jack Russell Terriers were kind of cute...Eddie on Frasier, Wishbone and the little puppy on the RCA commercials...then I bought an issue of Dog Fancy Magazine, the feature dog of the month was JRTs, and after reading the article...calling them "dogs from hell", and stating that they were more in need of an exorcism than obedience training...I KNEW I had to get me one of those..*LOL*
My little girl when we got her...:)...she isn't much taller than the baseboards...
Cleo's mom and dad..:)...it took over a year to find a breeder near us...there isn't many jrt's where I am...
JRT's are described as very difficult and hard to train...and after owning one I have to agree...Not for first time dog owners...:)
Climbing the cat condo...:(...jrt's are fearless and will attempt anything, you can't take your eyes off them for a minute and they are getting into trouble.
Here she is climbing on things again...never a dull moment with a jack...
Messy little thing...:)...she likes to dump her food all over the floor just to annoy me I think..
She got a bit mixed up and thought the area rug fringes were one of her rope toys...
My little sun worshipper...:)...the hotter she can get the more she likes it..I have to bodily remove her out of the heat a lot of days so she doesn't get heat stroke.
She is a water nut too...I've had to rescue her a few times after she couldn't resist jumping in the pond...:(
Cleo was very attached to our first golden...:)...her favorite place to relax was on his back...*LOL*...they were inseperable...
As cute and amusing as they are, never ever leave one unattended alone with another animal..It is typical terrier instinct to fight as they are very territorial...jacks also are not scared of dogs much larger than they. Mine persistently shows aggression towards our shepherd and 2nd retriever, and they have gotten into a few scraps. Luckily noone was severely injured...and one of the big dogs didn't have to be rushed to the vet's...*L*
JRTCA Home Page
The Jack Russell Terrier Site
The Jack Russell Store
Jack Russell Terriers
Jack Russell Terrier Association Of America
Jack Russell Terrier
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