This is Winston...our beautiful orange kitty we've had for 15 years now...he loves getting his picture taken...he is very conceited...:)
"This dancing flower is really getting on my nerves...I'll stare it down and if that doesn't work I may have to sharpen my claws for battle!"
"Okay..stop fooling around and put the hockey jerseys back in the bag...We have a big game tonight!"
"Heyyyy neattt...dripping water is fun to try to catch...noone better turn this tap on full blast though or I'm outta here!"
"WOW!!...now this is fascinating to watch..."
"Christmas wrapping is a tough job...but someone's gotta do it...I have no idea how these silly people managed before they had me.."
"And of course...NOTHING looks better under a Christmas tree than me!...and NO!!..it was not me that broke that ornament...was one of those ridiculous canines you insist on keeping!"
"Yum...this dobie ear looks chompable...silly mutt...I can't believe this 100 lb plus dawg is scared of l'il ole me..."
"Geeze...not another one...I think the trick here is to show 'em who is boss while they are still young!"
"HA!!...they call THIS a dog??
"Wanna put that camera away already...I'm trying to nap here!"
"Surely they don't expect me to stalk and kill my own food out here...I know they have a cupboard full of the good stuff in the house"
"Yeah sooooooo......I'm having yet another catnap"
"..sides, if I don't get my sleep I look SO miserable!"
"Got anything in a size bigger?...I don't quite fit in here comfortably."
"Why me?..now I am expected to share my bed with these dumb mutts....pssst...don't tell them but I really do like them...and as long as they realize I am the king here things should run smoothly."
[Caregiving:Main Page]
[Caregiving:My Story Part1]
[Caregiving:My Story Part2]
[Caregiving:My Story Part3]
[Caregiving:Final Part]
[The Good,The Bad & The Ugly]
[Our Carz]
[Neilz Carz]
[Neilz Carz 2]
[Neilz Carz 3]
[Neilz Carz 4]
[Neilz Carz 5]
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