The Personal Page of: Topper (Linda)
United We Stand...
Like so many others in our country I was glued to the television during the days that followed the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001.

The tragedy on that day touched me on so many levels. Beyond the shock and disbelief that we all felt - I felt an additional pain in that it was also the anniversary of a day that, at one time, had been very special to me.

My heart goes out to those that have lost their loved ones.
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United We Stand
I won't be spending as much time in IM as I have been so, please, feel free to contact me by email ....
I've heard so many people say that now is the time to draw closer
to those that you love. To hug a little longer, and tighter.
To tell those that you love that they are loved.

For those of us that are alone, for whatever the reason, that is very hard to do.
So I have have chosen to reach out, to share, to not be as alone.

Join me as I share stories, and poems, and pictures,
that others have shared with me.
Please, bear with me as I make changes, and add pages. I hope to be setting up areas to download those items that you would like to print and share. In the meantime, I invite you to share my site with your freinds.

I would like to say, before we go any further...

I take no credit for any of the items that I will be sharing. Most have been sent anonymously,
or forwarded from friend to friend and no one knows where they started.
If I know the author or artist I will list their name....
Would you like to hold my hand and join me for a stroll?

I'd rather not be alone... Please, excuse me if I cry, I have tissues for us both...
Under a bright blue sky
No one could imagine the plight
Images of fire came into view
That smoke of black covered the blue
Everyone in shock, tears in their eyes
Death and horror came from the skies

When the fear was over, anger set in
Everyone wondering how this horror began

So now we're wanting justice be done
To send this message to everyone:
Although we've been hit, we did not fall
Damage is done, but America Still Stands Tall                                                           Dana Butz, 9/13/01
    Dear Osama Bin Laden, Yasser Arafat, and Sadam Hussein (aka Madas), et. al.,

     We are pleased to announce that we unequivocally accept your challenge to an
     old-fashioned game of whoop-ass.

     Now that we understand the rule that there are no rules, we look forward to playing
     by them for the first time. Since this game is a winner-take-all, we unfortunately are
     unable to invite you to join us at the victory celebration.  But rest assured that we
     will toast you  -- LITERALLY.

     While we will admit that you are off to an impressive lead, it is however now our turn
     at the plate. By the way, we will be playing on your court now.

     Batter up.


     The 270,000,000 citizens of the United States of America
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