The Personal Page of: Topper (Linda)
What if...
What if he's someone that I've met..
but don't know well enough yet?

What if he's someone that I have yet to meet?

How will I know him?

How will he know me?

Will we know right away, or will it take time?
About Me
My Search
My Expedition
The Man I Seek
Friends and Family
Hobbies & Interests
Container Gardening
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I'm Into Computers
My Certifications
What if?
Current Events
United We Stand
I won't be spending as much time in IM as I have been so, please, feel free to contact me by email ....
I've decided that I'm afraid...
...of going through the rest of my life without someone to share it with.

I'm also afraid that I will make a mistake and choose the wrong man, again.

My search started in March. I've met a lot of really interesting people.
I don't know if one of the people that I've already met is the one that I seek.

I don't know if I have yet to meet him.
It is just such a scary feeling - not knowing what to do, or even how to do it..
continue searching...
or choose from those I have met?

What if in my haste to find a solution, to relieve my fear, I choose the wrong one?

Do I have the right to hurt someone else? Not to mention the pain that I would go through...
Simply because I chose in haste?

Do I keep looking? What if I get so busy searching that I fail to notice that he is already standing beside me?

I don't know what the right answer is. Or even if there is a right answer.
I only know that I don't want to wake up old and gray one day
and look back regretting not having tried.

I have met such wonderful people since I have begun my search.
I will never regret that part. Even if it happens that I do not find the one that I seek
I will still be rich in the friendships that I have formed.
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Container Gardening | Join Me in a Story | I'm Into Computers | My Current Certs | What If? | Current Events | United We Stand