The Personal Page of: Topper (Linda)
Current Events...
Updated 11/2/01
8:19 am
Our new site was published on July 24th...

We're not doing too bad... But if you want to send some more business our way I wouldn't complain even one little bit!  ;)

If there is something that you see that you think
could be improved, I sure hope that you'll let me know...
I'm always open to suggestions...
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I won't be spending as much time in IM as I have been so, please, feel free to contact me by email ....
The biggest focus in my life right now is still promoting the site
that my dad and I have set up as well as getting back into doing
system repairs and custom built systems here at the house.

I'm pretty determined to make a go of it working from home.
I've lost my last four jobs to either down-sizing of the departments or
the company filing for bankruptcy.
So I figure I can't do much worse than all those big corporations
have been doing, right?
September 19, 2001

It's hard to get back to concentrating on work. My mind still seems to focus back on the news and the photos and images that we've all seen so much of, perhaps too much of.

But, if we dwell on that instead of getting on with life and business
we've admitted that their tactics succeeded in shutting us down.
I don't know about you, but I'm sure not going to contribute to any notion
that what they did can stop us Americans!

So with that thought in mind... This is the last page of my site that just got revised...
A bit of a new look.
A bit of a content change.
And, in the case of some pages, a bit more detail.

... and the local
computer fair starts three weeks from Friday!

So if anyone has any extra money that is laying around
feeling neglected because no one seems to want to spend it...
You can send it my way and I'll spend it at the fair
and let it know that we still care!  hehehehehehehe

... and I'd be doing the patriotic thing by stimulating our national economy too!!

Have a great day, remember the good times.....
September 21, 2001

I've been looking at getting a Diamond Mako 16 meg.
Does anyone have any experience with them as far as durability, reliabilty?
For my purpose it does have the exact features that I'm looking for at a
very attractive price but I don't of anyone who has any experience with them.
October 5, 2001

Getting geared up for the computer fair, starts one week from today. I won't have much money to spend of my own but I do still enjoy going. I'm hoping to find a bargain or two and maybe one toy. I want to buy myself a present. Not sure what, just that it can't cost a whole lot and has to be something fun. Knowing me it will be practical too! hehehehe - Just watch it's gonna be a book or something!

Still trying to isolate the problems on my main pute. I've put in new memory and that seems to have helped. I'm reading more and more about people with this DFI motherboard and it's having problems with AGP video cards. If someone knows something about that I'd love to hear more. I found a newsgroup article stating an installation sequence for the add-on cards solving the problem.....
October 23, 2001

My bears have returned to my office.

Some have been kidnapped. But those that remain are once more
standing guard over me and a good friend has sent two new members.
November 2, 2001

Got a bit behind here. Too many projects going on....
The fair was great. Isolated my computer problem the night before it opened. It was a bad IDE controller on the motherboard. Picked up a new motherboard and I'm back up to full speed with no random shut downs! Cool, huh?

Working on, among other things, learning Front Page. I'm still looking for another web host. I'm hoping for free but my second choice would be something inexpensive that will allow payment by check and not taking a credit card number to keep on file.
If I do find one I'll be getting a domain as well.

Nope, not gonna say what I've picked, 'cause if I do some 'funny guy' is gonna grab it before I can. All I'm gonna say is that it's something totally different from any ID I've ever used before!

You'll never guess it in a million years!
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