The Personal Page of: Topper (Linda)
I'm Into Computers...
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I won't be spending as much time in IM as I have been so, please, feel free to contact me by email ....
photo by Topper
Here is a picture of the putes that I had set up in my office...

The monitor on the left has since been replaced with a twin to
the one on the right... hehehe

The desktop unit has been gutted. I'll be building another pute in that
case soon. Not sure what it's gonna be yet though.
I admit it, I'm into computers... I spend pretty much all of my
time right now on one type of computer related project or another...
Including studying for more exams!
I started with Commodores in the early 80's.
My first was a Commodore VIC 20 with 5K of RAM, no drives and patched into my TV!
Remember those? Had to get out my notebook and type in the programs every time
I wanted to do anything...

The PDA that I carry in my pocket today can do more than those machines ever could!

In '94 I switched over the IBM compatibles when my father and I started a BBS.
Had no idea when we first started that project that I'd end up where I am today.

In '96 I put together my first system. I've built 31 of them so far...
and fixed dozens and dozens of them.
I love picking them apart and making them run again.
I've got 6 putes set up in the house with a total of nine bootable drives.
With removeable drive bays that gives me 9 distinct setups and configurations
to work with on my various 'experiments' and projects.

Works for me!

One I leave alone for my main work
and I use the others for experimenting, tweeking and learning.

I never had the time or money to go to school to learn anything about putes,
just invested in the books and learned as I went.

Not too much scares me anymore, though, I'll tackle just about anything.

I started taking exams around Thanksgiving, in 2000,
with the thought in mind that I would be able to verify that I knew a thing or two about computers.
I've still got a long way to go but I have a couple of
certs now
to show off when I'm telling people that I like dinging with them.

Current projects include web design and setting up a commercial site.
My dad and I are partners once again. This time with an online store to market his inventions.
He's retired now and spending even more time in his shop working on his gadgets.
We've got one of his gadgets featured on our online store.
More will be added as patents are issued.

You're more than welcome to swing by and
check it out...

Wish us luck!
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