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Australian Pioneer Families

Families featured
Cannuth Matthias Dawson, John Drysdale, Thomas Duke, John Dunstan, John Dwyer, William Dyer


Cannuth Matthias Dawson 1828 - 1888 #2874 aged 60 came c1856 with Annie Mcdonnough (both with variable spellings of their names) and lived at Collingwood
7 children 1. Hannah Cecilia Dawson 1857 #13011
2. Nicolina Johanna Dawson 1862 #5366
3. Cannuth Matthias Dawson 1864 #14432 lived 1 year
4. Mary Jane Dawson 1866 #13946 lived 6 months
5. Matthias Dawson 1867 #21107
6. Mary Jane Dawson 1870 #22332
7. Kate Dawson 1872 #22384
Mary Jane Dawson 1870 - 1917 #14209 aged 47, wed 1887 #6591 to Edward Cooper Treadwell 1864 #16285 and lived at St Kilda, 4 Children
Mary's nearest match is with the quoted name for her mother.


Andrew/Alexander Drysdale is the first Drysdale to settle in Australia. He was the captain of a large number of merchant vessels that worked around Australia from 1823. Andrew left Portsmouth in 1822 on the Schooner Samuel. His wife Rachel Turnbull and his sons arrived in Sydney in 1825. They lived in Princess St,('The Rocks') which was demolished to make way for the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Son John moved to Queensland about 1840

John Drysdale

Kate Willott Baker 1884 - 1968 aged 84 wed 1909 to John Francis Drysdale
John Francis Drysdale 1886 #13967 at Melb to Elizth Hannah Bennett and John Drysdale
John Drysdale of W Melbourne wed 1885 #3875 to Elizth Hannah Bennett
John Drysdale born at Melb 1860 #11833 to Margaret Sloan and John Drysdale
John Drysdale wed 1859 #2112 to Margaret Sloan
John Drysdale died 1879 #11839 aged 47, son of Margaret Dawson and John Drysdale of Stirlingshire

From on Sun, 02 Jan 2005

Dear Elizabeth,
I found your web page re the DRYSDALE family and am anxious to find current descendants of someone there.

You have Maggie Brown DRYSDALE b. 1872 m. James English FOULIS.
However, prior to that she married my Gt Grandmother's only brother - Hector ARCHER (1868-1896) in 1894. They had one daughter, Doris Margaret ARCHER, b. 1895 who m. in 1922 to Bernard Charles KENNEDY.
Doris and Benrard separated after their 6 yr old son Donald died in 1933. But they had one daughter Jean KENNEDY, b. 1928. It's she who I am most anxious to find.

I note that James English FOULIS and Maggie Brown DRYSDALE had 2 daughters - Margaret, b. 1900 who m. 1916 to Thomas Henry JONES; and Jean b. 1904, d. 1950 at Elwood who m. 1927 William Alexander ANDERSON.

Any possibility that you may know the whereabouts of ANY current descendants of Maggie Brown DRYSDALE would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
David in Ballarat

John Drysdale 1832 - 1879 #11839 aged 47, son of Margaret Dawson and John Drysdale of Stirlingshire, wed 1859 #2112 to Margaret Sloan (Sloane)

7 Children 1. John Drysdale 1860 #11833
2. Marion Miller Drysdale 1862 #9619 lived 7 weeks
3. David Smith Drysdale 1863 #15550
4. Ann Drysdale 1865 #23774
5. Alexander James Drysdale 1868 #10536 - 1953 #14465 aged 86
6. Margaret Mcgregor Drysdale 1870 #17550 lived 1 year
7. Maggie Brown Drysdale 1872 #17642 wed 1894 #6260 to Hector Archer and c1899 to Jas English Foulis
1. John Drysdale 1860 #11833 wed 1885 #3875 to Elizabeth Hannah Bennett 1862 - 1894 #3098 aged 32
John Drysdale wed 1895 #4659 to Mary Ann Sullivan 1868 - 1955 #7346 aged 87, daughter of Ellen Handley and James Sullivan and moved to Yarrawonga
4 Children
of Elizabeth
1. John Francis Drysdale 1886 #13967
2. Alexander Joseph Drysdale 1887 #23947
3. Annie Drysdale 1888 #24835
4. Laura Drysdale 1892 #5232
2 Children
of Mary
5. Janet Drysdale 1896 #8004
6. Ellea Drysdale 1897 #23951
1.John Francis Drysdale 1886 #13967 - 1967 #2029 aged 80, wed 1909 to Kate Willott Baker 1884 - 1968 #19643 aged 84
5. Alexander James Drysdale 1868 #10536 - 1953 #14465 aged 86 wed 1891 #598 to Mary Jane Parker 1871 #86 - 1942 #12657 aged 71 born at Amphitheatre

Walter Drysdale

This Drysdale family has a Page.


Thomas Duke wed Jane Harper in England. The Immigration to Victoria 1852-1879, Index to Inward Passenger Lists contains this reference.

SurnameGiven namesAgeMonthYearShipCodeFichePage

Thomas Duke born 1825 at Liverpool and Jane Harper born 1829 at Cherston, were wed May 1853 at Cherston, England, came Oct 1853 on the Goldfinger and registered their first and third children at Sandhurst (now known as Bendigo) and their second at Dunolly.
Thomas Duke, who died 1862 #4915 aged 34
3 children 1. Thomas Duke 1855 - 1948 aged 93
2. Richard Duke 20 July 1857
3. Elizabeth Martha Duke 1860 - 1932 did not marry.

1. Thomas Duke 1855 - 1948 aged 93, wed 1887 #2419 to Mary Elizabeth Robertson
7 children 1. William Henry Duke 1888 #12052 - 1978 #22586 aged 90
2. Geo Stanley Duke 1890 #13675 - 1978 #2336 aged 87
3. Athelstan Wilfred Duke 1892 #23810
4. Ritchie Leslie Duke 1894 #29899 - 1897 #5389 lived 2 years
5. Percy Ambrose Duke 1896 #28353
6. Elsie May Duke 1898 #11541 infant death
7. Alan Harper Duke 1904 #10766

2. Richard Duke 20 Jul 1857 - 28 Dec 1911 aged 54 died of cancer, wed 24 May 1882 to Selina Akers 1865 #10635 born at Tarnagulla.
6 children   1. Arthur Duke 30 Mar 1883 - 1948 wed 1907 #6762 to Alice Mabel Lee
2. Albert Richard William Duke 1885 - 1970 #24397 aged 85, wed Wilhelmina Muller
3. Nellie Jane Duke 1887 wed 1915 to Llewellyn Gwynne
4. Stanley Thomas Wade Duke 1891 - 1942 #313 aged 50
5. Florrie Thomasine Duke 1894
6. Elizabeth Gladys Duke 1899 - 1904 aged 5
1. Arthur Duke 30 Mar 1883 - 1948 wed 24 Jul 1907 #6762 to Alice Mabel Lee 3 Jul 1887 - 18 Jan 1962, daughter of Hannah Louisa Calnan and John Lee, born in Launceston, Tasmania
7 Children 1. William Arthur Stanley Duke 4 Jun 1908 - 22 Jul 1991, wed Anne Grace Aitchison
2. Gladys Alice Louisa Duke 24 Jan 1910 wed William Mitchell
3. Twin Richard Duke 15 Jun 1912 lived 1 day
4. Twin John Calnan Duke 15 Jun 1912 lived 1 month
5. Nancy Lena Myrtle Duke 24 Apr 1914 - 18 May 1999 aged 85, wed Reginald Gilbert Errey
6. Thomasine Dorothy Gallipoli Duke 1916 - 29 Aug 1964 wed Alan Bray
7. John Sidney Duke 1920 - 18 Jan 1962 aged 41, wed Doris Jane Riches
2. Albert Richard William Duke 9 Jun 1885 - 12 Oct 1970 #24397 aged 85, wed 1907 to Wilhelmina Muller/Miller 1890 - 1945 aged 55 Family lived in Rushworth
9 Children 1. Ivy Duke 1908 wed Cecil Rowland
2. Walter Richard Duke 1910 - 1982
3. Reata Elizabeth Duke 1911 wed Rex Orton Huggard
4. Wilhelmina Sylvia Duke 1912 wed James Goulbourn Lyons
5. Andrew Edmund Duke 1914
6. John Albert Duke 1917 - 1983
7. Doris Selina Duke 1919 wed William Corner
8. Freda Duke died 1922
9. Eileen Duke 1923 wed Les Robbins
3. Nellie Jane Duke 1887 wed 1915 to Llewellyn Gwynne, son Charles Joseph Gwynne, born 1916 in Hawthorn.
4. Stanley Thomas Wade Duke 1891 - 1942 #313 aged 50, wed Elsie May Lloyd, 1916 in Vic, daughter Hazel Jean Duke, born 1919 in Rushworth
5. Florence Thomasine Duke 1894 - 5 Sep 1972 aged 78, wed 1917 to James Wilcox Miller
4 Children 1. Lindsay James Miller 1918 - 28 Apr 1970 aged 52
2. Nancy Selina Miller 1919 wed Perry
3. Florence Miller c1921 wed Porter
4. Shirley Joyce Miller c1923 wed Spinks


John Dunstan 1838 - ?, son of Elizabeth College and Andrew Dunstan,
wed 12 Feb 1865 at Christ Church CofE Maryborough to Annie Kerr 1846 - ?, daughter of Mary Ann Hamilton and Arthur Kerr.
4 children 1. Albert Dunstan 1863
2. Edith Dunstan 1865
3. Elizabeth Dunstan 1867
4. Caroline Dunstan 1869, wed 21 Mar 1895 to Charles Robert Hall
1860 - son of James Hall and Mary Murphy.


Thomas O'Brien wed 1867 to Kate Lynch 1845 - 1931 aged 86, daughter of Emily Kavanagh and Laurence Lynch

John Dwyer c1872 wed 1896 to Anne Theresa O'Brien 1878 daughter of Kate Lynch and Thomas O'Brien

7 children 1. Percy Leslie Patrick Dwyer 1897 - 1942, is registered twice, with the same number 27375, in 1897 and 1900, so I assume the 1900 entry is a clerical error.
2. Ernest William Dwyer 1898
3. Mary Margaret Dwyer 1900
4. John Augustine Dwyer 1904
5. Annie Dorothy Dwyer 1907
6. Thomas Fairbairn Dwyer 1910
7. Vincent Roy Dwyer 1912

1. Percy Leslie Patrick Dwyer 1897 - 1942, wed 1924 #7604 to Olive Millicent Tucker born in Vic, died 1963 approx, daughter of Alfred William Tucker died 30 April 1925, and Patricia Mary Tucker nee ? died 1 June 1926 but neither death is in the Vic Index
1. John Joseph Dwyer 9 Nov 1928 - 7 Feb 1965,


William Dyer 1825 - 14 Nov 1897, born in Bath, England son of Sarah Bullen and William John Dyer, he was convicted of Larceny and sent to Tasmania. He wed 29 Oct 1850 in Tasmania to Bridget Rody (Body) 1832 - 5 May 1878 #7034 aged 46, daughter of Ann Doonan and Daniel Rody born in Leitrim, Ireland who had also been convicted of Larceny and transported to Tasmania. Bridget died of Colonial Fever. He wed 14 Jun 1883 #3030 to second wife Elizabeth Hutchins nee Green 1852 - 2 Jul 1942 aged 90, a widow with 8 children who do not appear in the Victorian Indexes
Elizabeth Maria Green 1852 born at Hobart, Tasmania daughter of Elizabeth Chinn wed 1850 in Hobart to Charles Green, wed 1870 at HOBART,Tasmania to James Hutchins born 1813, children Mary Ann Hutchins 1871, Charles Alfred Hutchins 1874 and John William Hutchins 1876

From on Sun, 27 Apr 2003

My greatgrandmother was an Alice May Hutchins born Hobart & married a William Rees here in NZ. Her parents from their marriage cert; which was hard to read was;
FATHER James Hutchins and MOTHER Elizabeth Huchins/Dyer nee Green.
And bingo here you have her on your page.

9 Children
of Bridget
1. William John Dyer 7 Jul 1851 - 1890 aged 39
2. Sarah Anne Dyer 12 Sep 1852 - 1868 aged 16
3. Elizabeth Bridget Dyer 1856 wed 1877 #2875 to Thomas Smith
4. James Henry Dyer 1858 - 1942
5. Charles Dyer 1860
6. Ellen Dyer 1860 - 1893
7. Catherine Dyer 1865 - 1932 wed 1890 #3010 to Edward Johns
8. Margaret Dyer 1866 lived 11 years
9. Rody Dyer 1870
5 Children
of Elizabeth
10. Harry Ernest Dyer 1884 #13269 - 1966
11. Albert Edward Dyer 1886 #14303 - 1953
12. Horrice Dyer 1888 #16120 lived 7 weeks
13. Arthur Tasman Dyer 1889 #26823 - 1968
14. Margaret Edith Dyer 1893
4. James Henry Dyer 1858 - 1942 wed 1888 #3306 to Mary Bofill at Waanyarra, children born at Tarnagulla
3 Children 1. Norman Martin Dyer 1889 #17010
2. Wm Chas Dyer 1891 #7463
3. Violet May Dyer 1896 #23846

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