English for

The book is written by students at Nova and TALK schools of English. 
There are many students who are helping with the questions and the information in the book.

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Roxana's Pages of Idioms
about Business
This section is very honest and it has words that are not useful for children under 16 years of age.
Do you want to add information? Send your article to Steve, the editor  stevemccea@usa.com
Go to the Table of Contents

Go To Roxana's A to I Difficult Words

J to P  Difficult Words

Q to Z  Difficult words

Go to Roxana's Index

1.-   COLLEGE   DROPOUT:   A persons who leaves college without graduating.
   Example:   My father was a college dropout, but
                    now he is a succesful  businessman.

2.-   TO  BE  WORTH  X   DOLLARS:   To  have the value of X dollars.
Example:   That  house is worth half a million dollars.

3.-    TO  HAVE  SOMETHING  IN  COMMON:   To have similars tastes, interests, values etc.
Example:  My sister and I are good friends, but we don’t have  much                     in common.

4.-    RELATIVELY:   More or less, in comparison to something else.
  Example:   My house is relatively large compared to other house
                   in my neighborhood.

5.-   OVERNIGHT:   Happening  during the night, from one day to the next.
   Example:   Overnight the weather changed from hot to cold.

6.-   ENTREPRENEUR:   A person who organizes and manages a new business, often taking great financial risk.
   Example:   Walt Disney, the creator of Disneyland, was a
                     famous entrepreneur.

7.-   BACKGROUND:   A  person’s  past experience, education, family life,etc.
    Example:   The interviewer asked me to tell him about my  background.

8.-   TO TAKE   A   RISK:   To do something that might be dangerous.      Example:  Mr Smith decided to take arisk by quitting his job                                   and starting his own business.

9.-   GAMBLER:   Someone who bet money on games, horses, etc.
    Example:   He is a professional gambler in Las Vegas.

10.-   TO  INVENT:   To create or design something that did not exist before.
    Example:   Thomas Edison invented many useful things, including
                      the light bulb and the pornograph.

11.-   EMPLOYEE:   A person who works for a company or business.
    Example:   This company has 2,000 employees.

12.-   LENS:   A piece of glass used in cameras, telescopes, eyeglasses and other  optical instruments.
     Example:   Last  week I went to the eye doctor. He told me I needed                       new lenses for may glasses.

Also a word about Education....
          Example:   This week I have three midterms.

FINAL ( EXAM ):   A test at the end of a school course.

Idioms about Business

Idioms about Education

Idioms about Jobs

The First Page of Idioms